Vinyl PVC Fence

Vinyl ranch style fence for horses

Forget costly maintenance, problems with horses chewing and cribbing, rotting boards, protruding nails!  Virtually maintenace-free, vinyl horse rail fence is a popular choice for horse owners!

  • Quality vinyl comes with a 20 year or lifetime warranty

  • Vinyl will not to warp, rot. or weather like the traditional board fence.

  • Because the rails are wide, both adult horses and foals are easily contained (although we recommend a strand of electric safe fence on the inside of the fence.). 

  • Vinyl fencing is one of the most expensive horse fences to install, but will far outlast most other styles of fence.

  • Appreciates the value of your property.  The initial up front cost is easily regained through the years in savings towards maintenance, vet bills, and replacing boards.